Wearing and remove your aligner.
Wearing and remove your aligner.
Important things
- Wearing aligner 20-22 hours per day
- Wearing each per time. Don’t wear both in the same time.
- Clean your aligner after removing from bag.

Wearing clear aligner
- Make sure which is upper or lower before wearing.
- You can wear either upper or lower first. When you wear aligner, use your finger gently to push aligner at frontal teeth. Then, gradually push your aligner to the back teeth. Normally, you can hear click sound if aligner can seat your teeth.
- You will get chewie. Using chewie after wearing both upper and lower aligner. Chew from the back to one side to the back of another side. This chewie will help your aligner fit with your teeth much better.
- Don’t use your teeth bite on aligner to set aligner.
****** After wearing for couple of days, if you still feel pain, contact your doctor****

Remove aligner.
- Use your finger pull aligner from the last back teeth.
- Switch to opposite and follow 1.
- After aligner is pop out from both side of your back teeth. Keep remove aligner to the front.

- After removing your aligner, keep them in the box to prevent loss your aligner or damage your aligner unintentionally
- There is possibility that your attachment will be dislodge.
- Gently remove your aligner. Don’t use too much force to pull your aligner. This causes distortion on your aligner.
- Don’t use sharp instrument to help remove your aligner.
- If it is very difficult to remove aligner, contact your doctor to help you.