Gum treatment

What is the etiology of gum disease?

Bacterial plaque that attaches to tooth surface gets hardened from calcium deposition and turns into calculus. Bacteria uses this calculus as habitat and release toxin to destroy your gum. When gum gets inflammation, the space between gum and tooth gets wider and calculus can deposit deeper into this periodontal pocket causing destruction of gum and bone around your tooth. Your tooth will start to have mobility and pus from this deep periodontal pocket.

Gum disease can be divided in 2 types.

1. Gingival disease: Gingival inflammation without destruction of surrounding bone.

2. Periodontal disease: Gingival inflammation with destruction of surrounding bone.

What is gum treatment procedure with specialist (periodontist)?

1. Full mouth periodontal pocket measurement and radiograph.

2. Full mouth scaling to remove calculus in the periodontal pocket.

3. Full mouth root planning to smoothen root surface creating good bond between gingiva and root.

4. Periodontal surgery in order to remove all the calculus for the case that pocket depth is not improved or in need of bone regeneration in some cases.

5. Periodic scaling & root planning every 3-6 months to maintain good gingival health depending on patient’s oral hygiene.


What is the difference between normal cleaning and gum treatment?

Normal teeth cleaning is to remove bacterial plaque and calculus above the gum which normally can be completed within one visit with general dentist. However, for gum treatment, our specialist (Periodontist) will remove bacterial plaque and calculus both above and below the gum which need special training and instruments to be able to do it. This is because if the calculus is left in the periodontal pocket, it will cause recurring and more severe gum disease. Gum treatment normally requires more than one visit to be completed.

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