Digital smile design

Digital Smile Design

What is Digital Smile Design?

Digital smile design is a new technology that incorporate computer software to help design shape, position and alignment of teeth according to patient’s face for communication between cosmetic dentist and patient. With traditional way, patient will not know new smile until the treatment has already started or the design is only shown in dental model which cannot correlate to the patient’s smile of face. So the problem is, sometimes, patient does not like the new smile or tooth shape after the treatment has already finished. With Digital smile design, patient will be able to see new teeth in the simulated picture or video before the treatment begins. Patients can discuss and comments what they like and don’t like with the design. It can then be corrected and adjusted until every party is satisfied before starting the treatment. This can ensure that the patient’s new smile will be according to the proposed plan.

What is the process for Digital Smile Design?

1. Cosmetic dentist will discuss and evaluate the patient’s expectation for the new smile. For this step, patient can bring the smile photo of celebrity who you admire to our cosmetic dentist.

2. Our dentist will examine and x-ray your teeth if any problems persist or need correction.

3. Our dentist will take photos, scan teeth to gather all information for diagnosis and treatment planning.

4. All the pictures, x-ray, digital scanned files will be imported to digital smile design software for processing the result. Cosmetic dentist then will come up with the proposed treatment plan. We will have 2nd appointment with the patient to show the new smile in the picture or video.

5. If the patient satisfy with the plan, we will print the planned 3D dental model & try-in the patient’s teeth for direct experience with the new teeth before the treatment starts.

6. Our cosmetic dentist can then start the veneers, crowns, full mouth rehabilitation, or esthetic gum surgery according to the proposed plan.

Contact us at Global Dental Complex today for Digital Smile Design or other cosmetic dental treatment in Bangkok, Thailand.

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