Microscopic Apical Surgery

Microscopic apical surgery, also known as apicoectomy or endodontic microsurgery, is a specialized dental procedure that is used to treat persistent infections or inflammation at the root tip of a tooth, which is also known as the apex. It is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that involves removing a small portion of the apex of the tooth, along with the surrounding infected tissue, to eliminate the source of the problem.

The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia and involves making a small incision in the gum tissue to access the root of the tooth. A small hole is then drilled into the bone to gain access to the apex of the tooth, and the infected or inflamed tissue is removed using specialized microsurgical instruments. The root tip is then sealed with a filling material to prevent further infection.

Microscopic apical surgery is often recommended when traditional root canal therapy has failed or when there is a persistent infection or inflammation that cannot be resolved through other means. It is also used to treat root fractures, root canals that are blocked or difficult to access, and other complex dental problems.

The use of high-powered microscopes and specialized surgical instruments allows for greater precision and accuracy during the procedure, which can lead to better outcomes and faster healing times. It is important to consult with a qualified dental professional to determine if microscopic apical surgery is the right option for your specific dental needs.

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