Gum Grafting & Gum Surgery in Thailand

Gum grafting is a surgical procedure for treating gum recession or bulking gum thickness or increasing tough tissue around teeth or dental implant.

During a gum grafting procedure, a small amount of gum tissue is taken from another part of the mouth, usually from the roof of the mouth, and transplanted to the area of treated tissue. The gum tissue is then carefully stitched into place.

Gum Surgery in Thailand

There are several types of gum grafting procedures available in Thailand, including connective tissue grafts, free gingival grafts, and pedicle grafts, each of which is tailored to the specific needs of the patient. The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia, and patients may experience some discomfort and swelling for a few days following the procedure.

Connective tissue graft

The connective tissue graft procedure involves the removal of a thin layer of tissue from the palate, which contains the connective tissue. This tissue is then carefully separated from the overlying epithelium. The connective tissue is then placed in the area of gum recession or thin tissue, and carefully stitched into place.

Free gingival graft

The free gingival graft involves removing both the connective tissue and the epithelium layers. Once the tissue is removed from the palate, it is then transferred to the area of inadequate tough tissue and carefully stitched into place.

Free gingival grafts are particularly useful in cases where the patient has inadequate tough gingiva. They can help to improve the thickness and toughness of the gums, which can provide better protection for the teeth and dental implants.

Pedicle grafts

A pedicle graft, also known as a lateral pedicle graft or a lateral sliding flap graft, is a type of gum grafting procedure that is used to treat gum recession. During this procedure, a small piece of gum tissue is taken from an area adjacent to the area of recession, and then transferred to cover the exposed root surface.

The tissue is carefully lifted and slid over to cover the exposed root surface, while still attached to its blood supply. The tissue is then carefully stitched into place, allowing it to fuse with the surrounding gum tissue and heal over time.

Pedicle grafts are particularly useful in cases where the patient has a significant amount of gum tissue adjacent to the area of recession. The tissue can be carefully lifted and slid over to cover the exposed root surface, without the need to remove tissue from another part of the mouth.

Gum grafting is an effective treatment to prevent further damage to the teeth and gums. It can also improve the appearance of the gums and enhance the overall aesthetic of the smile. It is important to consult with a qualified dental professional to determine if gum grafting is the right option for your specific dental needs

If you are considering gum surgery in Thailand, require a gum graft, or to schedule an appointment, contact Global Dental Complex today.

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