Crown & Bridge

What is dental crown?



A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that is placed over a damaged or decayed tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance.

When do I need a crown?

Dental crown may be recommended for a variety of reasons, including:

  • To protect a tooth that is weak or damaged such as large decay or cavity, crack tooth, fracture tooth, worn tooth
  • To support a tooth with a large filling or after root canal treatment
  • To improve the appearance of a misshapen or discolored tooth
  • To attach a dental bridge or cover a dental implant

What is the process of getting dental crowns in Bangkok?



The process of getting a Bangkok dental crown typically involves two appointments. During the first appointment, the tooth is prepared by removing any decay and shaping it to make room for the crown. An impression or scan is then taken of the tooth and sent to a dental laboratory where the crown is custom-made to fit the patient’s mouth. A temporary crown is placed over the prepared tooth to protect it while the permanent crown is being made.

During the second appointment, the temporary crown is removed and the permanent dental crown in Bangkok is placed over the tooth and cemented in place. The dentist will check the fit and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that the crown is comfortable and looks natural.

Dental crowns can last for many years with proper care and maintenance, including regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups. It is important to consult with a qualified dental professional to determine if a dental crown is the right solution for your specific needs and circumstances.

How many types are dental crown?

1. All ceramic crown: the best optical property closest to natural tooth.

2. Metal-ceramic crown: It consists of metal substructure with porcelain on top. It can cause black gum margin.

3. Full metal crown: The whole crown is metal normally used in posterior tooth for high strength purpose.


What is Dental Bridge?


A dental bridge is a fixed dental restoration used to replace one or more missing teeth by permanently attaching to adjacent natural teeth or dental implants. The adjacent teeth are typically prepared by removing a small amount of enamel to make room for the bridge, which is then cemented in place.

How many types are dental bridge?

There are several types of dental bridges, including traditional bridges, cantilever bridges, and maryland bridges.

1.Traditional bridge are the most common type and consist of two dental crowns placed over the natural teeth on either side of the gap, with a prosthetic tooth (or teeth) attached in the middle.

2.Cantilever bridge are similar but are only attached to one adjacent tooth.

3.Maryland bridge, also known as resin-bonded bridge, use a metal or porcelain framework bonded to the back of adjacent teeth with a resin cement.

Dental bridge can be a good option for patients who have lost one or more teeth but still have healthy natural teeth adjacent to the gap. They can improve the appearance of the smile, restore the ability to chew and speak properly, and prevent the remaining teeth from shifting out of position.

What is disadvantages of dental bridge?

The adjacent natural teeth need to be prepared by removing some enamel, which can weaken them and make them more susceptible to decay and other issues. Bridge may also need to be replaced after a certain amount of time, depending on the materials used and the patient’s oral hygiene habits.

It is important to consult with a qualified prosthodontist to determine if a dental bridge is the right solution for your specific needs and circumstances.

For more information on dental bridges or dental crowns in Bangkok, contact Global Dental Complex today, or make an appointment for your Bangkok dental crowns now.

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