Invisalign (Clear Aligner)

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign® is a custom-made clear aligner. It looks like clear retainer. However, Invisalign® aligner is used in different purpose. Clear aligner is used to maintain the teeth position after finishing orthodontic treatment but Invisalign® aligner is used for orthodontic treatment. Therefore, teeth can be moved into right position and create the beautiful smile to the patient without having the braces on teeth. Learn more about getting Invisalign in Bangkok below.

Is the Invisalign® aligner customized for each patient?

Once your doctor scans your teeth with intraoral scanner. Then, the 3D plan or ClinCheck is set up. The 3D visual interface allows your doctor to customize your treatment.

How the Invisalign® aligner is made?

Patient’s teeth will be scan by intraoral scanner. The scanned file will be sent to laboratory to set up the treatment plan with your doctor. After you confirm the 3D treatment plan(ClinCheck), your doctor will approve the plan. Then, the aligner will be generated from the digital scanned file. So, the aligner will fit only with your teeth.

Invisalign vs Traditional Braces






Nearly invisible


Visible bracket

Brushing, flossing as normal

Low risk of caries


Difficult to clean teeth

Easily to have caries

More expensive



Feel tight can occur but no pain because the force of aligner is so gentle to move the teeth


Some pain can occur after wire adjustment due to difficulty to measure the force 

Sharp edges of bracket can scrape or irritate inside the mouth

Need patient co-operation


Patient cooperative is not big concern

More confidence


Less confidence (in adult patient)

Can take them off when you have to play sport or have meeting that need confidence to show your smile


Playing some sport during have braces have to be very careful

Less unexpected appointment except dislodge attachment or lose aligner


-Bracket dislodge due to bite hard or chewy food. Need to be at the dental clinic before appointment

Wire poking

As normal


Many kind of food have to be avoided during the treatment

Know prior the aligner insertion

Duration of Treatment time

Can be evaluated roughly

Every 4 to 6 weeks

Follow up visit

Every month

Do Invisalign® has Limitations?

Although almost all of the patients are suitable for Invisalign®, we suggest you to consult the doctor. In some case, doctor need to use Invisalign® with conventional method (braces) to improve the treatment outcome or facilitate the treatment.

Is Invisalign® Right for me?

Invisalign® has been developed for more than 20 years. Now, almost problems can be treated with Invisalign® (such as spaced teeth, crowded teeth, deep bite etc). Not only adult patient is suitable for Invisalign® but also the kids, teenagers and elderly patient.  However, each orthodontic patient has different circumstances. We suggest you to consult with doctor. So, doctor can evaluate your circumstance and problem.

How does Invisalign® work?

When The aligners fit over your teeth, aligner will gradually move your teeth horizontally, vertically, or even rotating them. Each aligner is programmed to move your teeth with light force into the corrected position. Once changing to your next aligner, this aligner will move your teeth into the programmed position that planned by your doctor

How to live with clear aligner?

  • Keep eating all your favorite foods.
  • Stay active in all the sports and activities you love.
  • Keep brushing and flossing just as you normally do, with no brackets or wires to get in the way.
  • You’ll experience fewer emergency visits, without the hassle of brackets and wires breaking.
  • Your Invisalign clear aligners are virtually invisible, so people may not even notice you’re wearing them.

Wearing your aligners

  • You’ll be ready for anything, from movie night to coffee with friends. Just take your aligners out to eat and drink, then brush your teeth before putting them back in.
  • Wear your Invisalign clear aligners 20 to 22 hours a day for best results.
  • Parents, your teen’s aligners will have blue compliance indicators to assure you they’re wearing them enough.

Getting Invisalign in Bangkok, Thailand

Global Dental Complex has highly qualified Orthodontics professionals who specialise in Invisalign in Thailand. Make an appointment, or contact us with questions.

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